Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 18!

Today is Day 18 of the Diet and I have Lost a total of 18 Pounds. I now weigh 155.4! YAY! Its getting harder day by day because I see all these people just eating whatever they want. Im so limited to what I get. Chicken, Fish, Fruit, Blah blah blah! I know I can finish this Phase and then 6 weeks after do it again. I'm far from being where I want. It's well worth the Battle! Here are

Day 18 Pictures!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

How My Story Began!

This is pretty hard for me to put out for everyone to read but I feel like if I can do it and feel better about myself then maybe it will help someone else be strong enough to face their problem.

So here we go!!

All through Elementary school, Junior high, and High School I was always petite. Never worried about what I ate or even working out. I just lived to be happy and ate what I wanted.

After I turned 18 I met my Husband Britt, a few months later I became Pregnant and of course started eating everything. We got married and being so young I thought “I CAN EAT FOR 2 NOW”. BAD IDEA! By the time I was 7 Months Pregnant I had gone from 110 pounds to 150 pounds. I just thought since I was young and skinny I would be able to lose all the weight right away. BUT I WAS WRONG! I was 160 pounds when Brailey arrived and never lost 1 pound after. I tried everything. I worked out, I ate really well, and it got to the point where I just stopped caring. My daughter was all that mattered to me and I didn’t want to waste my time thinking about my weight. I wanted to spend all my time with her. Then I found out I had Hypothyroidism ( and that was A LARGE part of my weight problem. I immediately started on medicine but not even a week after I began having chest pain and my heart started to feel like it was skipping a beat. I decided to just deal with my weight till I was ready. I stopped all the medicine and decided my weight will have to wait.

A couple years passed and Britt and I decided to add another member to the family. We got pregnant right away. I was 150 pounds and had a new Doctor who knew all about my weight problems. He said to not worry about it through my pregnancy and to enjoy being pregnant. He watched my weight but this time I watched what I ate. When Klaire decided to give me contractions for a Month and I was at the Hospital every week Stress hit me hard. I ended being 185 when the Dr. induced labor. Klaire was stubborn. I actually lost weight after she arrived I got down to 150 again. I was nursing for 3 months and that kept me weight at 150. When I stopped nursing I got up to 173. I was so depressed.

My husband felt bad and I think everyone could tell I was unhappy about it. This time I said NO WAY! I’m not going to live like this. I started eating well, working out; I was even doing P90X which is really hard to some people. And most people don’t like it. I HATE IT BUT I LOVE IT! I was losing weight but not enough to make it work it. I worked HARD every day and still was unhappy. Finally Britt and I talked and we decided I Should try the HCG Diet. We asked a few people we knew that were on it and they HIGHLY recommended it. They all had great results. It’s not supported my all Doctors. A lot of people buy it online to get it cheaper. I am a nervous wreck when it comes to buying things online. My husband went into our family Dr for a check up and asked the Dr about HCG and he said it would be great for me to start it. I soon made an appointment with him and got started.

On May 18, 2010 I started HCG! I weighed 168! The first 2 days of the diet you get to eat anything high in fat. I ended up eating EVERYTHING! I wanted to eat what I wouldn’t be able to eat when I started the Low Calorie Diet. By the 3rd day when I was starting the Low Calorie Diet I was 173 Pounds. The First week was hard. I didn’t think I would be able to make it. I felt like I was being punished. I knew down deep that I had to finish the 40 day Cycle. Well it has been 13 Days and I have lost 14 pounds. I have taken before and after pictures. I will do this everything Friday for the entire 40 day cycle.


6 Months Pregnant in October 2005 w/Brailey!

9 Months Pregnant In July 2009 w/Klaire!

Britt and Me On His Bday November 2009!

Me after Britt's Work Party 2009!

The Start of the Diet!

Day 1 Before Picture 173 pounds!

Day 11 After Picture 159 pounds!

Day 1 Before Picture 173 pounds!

Day 11 After Picture 159 pounds!

Day 1 Before Picture 173 pounds!

Day 11 After Picture 159 pounds!